Source code for wmwpy.classes.level

import io
import os
from lxml import etree
from PIL import Image
import numpy
import typing
import copy
import logging

LOADED_ImageTk = True
if LOADED_ImageTk:
        from PIL import ImageTk
        LOADED_ImageTk = False

from ..utils.filesystem import *
from .object import Object
from ..gameobject import GameObject
from .objectpack.pack import ObjectPack

[docs]class Level(GameObject): """ The Level object. Attributes: HD (bool): Using HD graphics TabHD (bool): Using TabHD graphics. object_pack (ObjectPack): The ObjectPack that is being used for all the objects. objects (list[Object]): List of Objects currently in this level. properties (dict[str,str]:) All the Level properties. challenges (list[Level.Challenge]): List of WMW2 challenges in this level. room (tuple[float,float]): The room element in WMW levels. I have no idea what this does, but it still should be kept, even though it doesn't actually do anything. """ XML_TEMPLATE = b"""<?xml version="1.0"?> <Objects> </Objects> """ IMAGE_TEMPLATE ='P', (90,127), 'white').quantize(colors=256) IMAGE_FORMAT = 'PNG' def __init__( this, xml : str | bytes | File = None, image : str | bytes | File = None, filesystem : Filesystem | Folder = None, gamepath : str = None, assets : str = '/assets', baseassets : str = '/', load_callback : typing.Callable[[int, str, int], typing.Any] = None, ignore_errors : bool = False, HD : bool = False, TabHD : bool = False, object_pack : ObjectPack = None ) -> None: """Load level Args: xml (str | bytes | File): XML file for level. image (str | bytes | File): Image file for level. filesystem (Filesystem | Folder, optional): Filesystem to use. Defaults to None. gamepath (str, optional): Game path. Only used if filesystem not specified. Defaults to None. assets (str, optional): Assets path relative to game path. Only used if filesystem not specified. Defaults to '/assets'. baseassets (str, optional): Base assets path within the assets folder, e.g. `/perry/` in wmp. Defaults to `/` load_callback (Callable[[int, str, int], Any], optional): A callback function to be ran while loading the level. Defaults to None. ignore_errors (bool, optional): Ignore errors while loading. Defaults to False. HD (bool, optional): Use HD images. Defaults to False. TabHD (bool, optional): Use TabHD images. Defaults to False. """ this.gamepath = gamepath this.assets = assets this.filename = '' if this.assets == None: this.assets = '/assets' super().__init__(filesystem, gamepath, assets, baseassets) logging.debug(f'Level: xml before: {xml}') if isinstance(xml, File): logging.debug(f'Level: xml path: {xml.path}') this.xml_file = super().get_file(xml, template = this.XML_TEMPLATE) logging.debug(f'Level: xml after: {this.xml_file}') # try: # logging.debug(f'Level: raw xml:\n{this.xml_file.getvalue().decode()}') # except: # logging.debug('Level: file not io.BytesIO') if isinstance(this.xml_file, io.BytesIO): this.xml = etree.parse(this.xml_file).getroot() this.image_file = super().get_file(image) if this.image_file == None: this.image = this.IMAGE_TEMPLATE.copy() else: this.image = this.HD = HD this.TabHD = TabHD this.object_pack = object_pack this.objects : list[Object] = [] : dict[str,str] = {} this.challenges : list[Level.Challenge] = [] = (0,0) = load_callback, ignore_errors = ignore_errors) this.scale = 5 @property def size(this) -> tuple[int,int]: """Level image size Returns: tuple[int,int]: (width,height) """ return this._image.size @property def image(this) -> Image.Image: """Scaled up Level image Returns: PIL.Image.Image: PIL Image """ image = this._image.copy() size = numpy.array(image.size) size = size * this.scale image = image.resize(size, resample = Image.NEAREST) return image @image.setter def image(this, value : Image.Image): this._image = value @property def PhotoImage(this) -> 'ImageTk.PhotoImage': """Tkinter PhotoImage of the Level image Returns: ImageTk.PhotoImage: Tkinter PhotoImage """ if LOADED_ImageTk: this._PhotoImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(this.image) else: this._PhotoImage = this.image.copy() return this._PhotoImage @property def scale(this) -> int: """Level size scale """ return this._scale @scale.setter def scale(this, value : int): this._scale = value for obj in this.objects: obj.scale = this._scale
[docs] def read( this, load_callback : typing.Callable[[int, str, int], typing.Any] = None, ignore_errors : bool = False, ): """Read level XML """ this.objects : list[Object] = [] = {} def run_callback(index, name, max): try: if callable(load_callback): load_callback(index, name, max) except: logging.exception('run_callback error:') id = 0 max = len(this.xml) index = 0 for element in this.xml: element : etree.ElementBase try: # comment safe-guard if element is etree.Comment: run_callback(index, 'Comment', max) continue if element.tag == 'Object': properties = {} pos = (0,0) name = element.get('name') run_callback(index, f'Object: {name}', max) for el in element: if not el is etree.Comment: if el.tag == 'AbsoluteLocation': pos = el.get('value') elif el.tag == 'Properties': for property in el: if not property is etree.Comment and property.tag == 'Property': properties[property.get('name')] = property.get('value') obj = Object( this.filesystem.get(properties['Filename']), # get file because `Object` does not take filepath filesystem = this.filesystem, properties = properties, pos = pos, name = name, HD = this.HD, TabHD = this.TabHD, object_pack = this.object_pack, ) = id this.objects.append(obj) id += 1 elif element.tag == 'Properties': run_callback(index, 'Level Properties', max) for el in element: if el is etree.Comment: continue if el.tag == 'Property':[el.get('name')] = el.get('value') elif element.tag == 'Room': run_callback(index, 'Room', max) for el in element: if el is etree.Comment: continue if el.tag == 'AbsoluteLocation': = tuple([float(_) for _ in el.get('value').split()]) elif element.tag == 'Challenges': for challenge in element: challenge : etree.ElementBase if challenge is etree.Comment: continue if challenge.tag == 'Challenge': this.challenges.append(this.Challenge(challenge)) elif callable(load_callback): run_callback(index, element.tag, max) index += 1 run_callback(index, 'Done!', max) except: logging.exception('level load error:') if not ignore_errors: raise
[docs] def export( this, filename : str = None, exportObjects : bool = False, saveImage : bool = True, ) -> bytes: """Export level Args: filename (str, optional): Path to level. Defaults to Level.filename. exportObjects (bool, optional): Whether to export objects. Defaults to False. Raises: TypeError: Path is not a file. Returns: bytes: XML file. """ if filename == None: if this.filename: filename = this.filename else: this.filename = filename xml : etree.ElementBase = etree.Element('Objects') for object in this.objects: if exportObjects: object.export() xml.append(object.getLevelXML()) room = etree.Element('Room') etree.SubElement(room, 'AbsoluteLocation', value = ' '.join([str(_) for _ in])) properties = etree.Element('Properties') for name in value =[name] etree.SubElement(properties, 'Property', name = name, value = value) if len(properties): xml.append(properties) challenges : etree._Element = etree.Element('Challenges') for challenge in this.challenges: challenges.append(challenge.getXML()) if len(challenges): xml.append(challenges) this.xml = xml output = etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8') if (file := this.filesystem.get(filename)) != None: if isinstance(file, File): file.write(output) else: raise TypeError(f'Path {filename} is not a file.') else: this.filesystem.add(filename, output) if saveImage: imgFile = io.BytesIO() imgFile, format = this.IMAGE_FORMAT, ) filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + f'.{this.IMAGE_FORMAT.lower()}' if (file := this.filesystem.get(filename)) != None: if isinstance(file, File): file.write(imgFile.getvalue()) else: raise TypeError(f'Path {filename} is not a file.') else: this.filesystem.add(filename, imgFile.getvalue()) return output
[docs] def addObject( this, filename : str | Object, properties : dict = {}, pos : tuple[float,float] = (0,0), name : str = 'Obj' ): """Add object to level. Args: filename (str | Object): Filename for object. If it's a wmwpy.classes.Object class, then it will use that instead. properties (dict, optional): Object properties. Defaults to {}. pos (tuple[x,y], optional): Position of object in level. Defaults to (0,0). name (str, optional): Name of object. May get renamed if object with name already exists. Defaults to 'Obj'. Returns: Object: wmwpy Object. """ if not isinstance(filename, Object): filename = Object( filename, filesystem = this.filesystem, properties = properties, pos = pos, name = name, object_pack = this.object_pack, ) else: = name filename.pos = pos filename.setProperty(properties) obj = filename id = 0 while this.getObjectById(id) != None: id += 1 if this.getObject( != None: objnum = 0 name = while this.getObject( != None: objnum += 1 = f'{name}{str(objnum)}' = id this.objects.append(obj) obj.scale = this.scale return obj
[docs] def getObjectById(this, id : int) -> Object: """Get an Object by it's id Args: id (int): Object id to find Returns: Object: wmwpy Object """ for obj in this.objects: if == id: return obj return None
[docs] def getObject(this, name : str): """ Get object by name Args: name (str): Object name. """ for obj in this.objects: if == name: return obj
[docs] class Challenge(): def __init__( this, xml : etree.ElementBase = None, id : str = '', requirements : dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {}, ) -> None: """A level challenge used in wmw2 Args: xml (etree.Element, optional): The xml of the challenge. If it is `None`, it will just use the other values. Defaults to None. id (str, optional): The id of the challenge. Defaults to ''. requirements (dict[str, dict[str, str]], optional): The requirements as a `dict`. Defaults to {}. Requirements format: ```python dict[str, dict[str, str]] ``` Example: ```python { 'WindWait' : { 'seconds' : '1' }, 'Duck' : { 'count' : '2' } } ``` """ this.xml = xml = id this.requirements : dict[str, dict[str, str]] = copy.deepcopy(requirements) if isinstance(this.xml, etree._Element): this.readXML()
[docs] def readXML(this): """Read the XML of the challenge. If the XML wasn't set, it'll just return `None` """ if not isinstance(this.xml, etree._Element): return = this.xml.get('id', '') for element in this.xml: # so I can access the attributes in vscode element : etree.ElementBase if element is etree.Comment: continue requirement = copy.deepcopy(element.attrib) this.requirements[element.tag] = requirement
[docs] def getXML(this): """Get the XML for the challenge. Returns: lxml.etree.Element: lxml etree Element. """ root : etree._Element = etree.Element('Challenge', id = for name in this.requirements: requirement = this.requirements[name] etree.SubElement(root, name, **requirement) this.xml = root return root